Training Module

The goal of the Dementia-Inclusive Choices for Exercise (DICE) training module is to provide exercise providers (as well as sport coaches and recreational leaders) with the knowledge and skills to engage with people living with dementia and support them in physical activity.


1. Register for DICE training.
2. Complete training modules 1 to 5, in order
3. Test your learning after each module
4. Earn your certificate

Who is this training for?

This training is continuing education for people who have some exercise-related training. Those without basic exercise training should supplement the DICE training through other courses that focus on exercise basics and prescription.

The training is suitable for people with and without training or experience related to dementia.

Learning Outcomes

After you complete the DICE training module, you will:

• Understand dementia and the variety of abilities and challenges of people living with dementia.

• Feel more confident communicating with people living with dementia in an effective and respectful way.

• Understand the rights of people living with dementia for access and inclusion in physical activity programs and facilities.

• Identify ways you can better support a person living with dementia to participate in your physical activity programs and be included in your facility.

• Connect with other resources and articles that will deepen your understanding of dementia and the role of exercise in living well with dementia.

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